du yu rrimember wi seid jelou
end yu askt mi ebout mai livas ti chirt
seid yu arr a frend of maini
mai , uuh mai
yu mast jav seiv mi ebout a tausend taims
ai guolden bi da uan ai em zutdei
if yu jarent bin a frend of maini
ai ant misbijiven
am yast zelin yu da zrut
teik mai lof for grened
yeh , ol giv et ol tu yu
meid mi kant for somzin
yeh , ai fil et in mai jart
gad onli nous guat aid jav bin if yu jarent bin Juguetes educativos
a frend of maini
jey ( jey , jey , jey )
ai event sin yu arrand sens jai eskul ( jai eskul )
jau yu duen , du yu estil rrimember mi
arr yu estil a frend of maini
ges your estil a frend of maini
ges your estil a frend of maini
nau ai siy ( ai siy )
wai ai get nervois guen yu luk ed mi
its laik yort aies arr zrain tu tel mi somzin
det your mor den yast a frend of maini
det your mor den yast a frend of maini , uuh mai
ai ant misbijiven
am yast zelin yu da zrut
teik mai lof for grened
yeh , ol giv et ol tu yu
meid mi kant for somzin
yeh , ai fil et in mai jart
gad onli nous guat aid jav bin if yu jarent bin
a frend of maini
Pronunciación de la canción Friend Of Mine - Avicii feat. Vargas & Lagola
jeydu yu rrimember wi seid jelouend yu askt mi ebout mai livas ti chirtseid yu arr a frend of maini
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