gudbay , nourma yin
touch ai never niu yu ed ol
yu jed da greis tu jould yorself
wele dos arrand yu crould
deir crould aut of da gudwerk
end deir wisperd inde yort breim
deir sed yu on da zretmil
end deir meid yu chein yort neim
end et sims tu mi yu lifd yort laif
laik a kendol in da wend
never nowin ju tu clin tu
guen da rrein sed in
end ai guld jav laikd tu jav nou yu
bet ai guos yast a kid
yort kendol bornd aut lon bifor
yort lechend ever did
lónlines guos tof
da touzot roul yu ever pleiyd
jaliwod crieired a superstar
end pein guos da prais yu peid
ifin guen yu daid
uuh , da pres estil jandid yu
ol da peipors jed tu sei
guos det marrelen guos faun in da niud Korean Beauty
end et sims tu mi yu lifd yort laif
laik a kendol in da wend
never nowin ju tu clin tu
guen da rrein sed in
end ai guld jav laikd tu jav nou yu
bet ai guos yast a kid
yort kendol bornd aut lon bifor
yort lechend ever did
gudbay , nourma yin
touch ai never niu yu ed ol
yu jed da greis tu jould yorself
wele dos arrand yu crould
gudbay , nourma yin
from da youn men in da tuenzi sekend rrou
ju siis yu ez somzin mor den sekchuol
mor den yast ar marrelen monrrou
end et sims tu mi yu lifd yort laif
laik a kendol in da wend
never nowin ju tu clin tu
guen da rrein sed in
end ai guld jav laikd tu nou yu
bet ai guos yast a kid
yort kendol bornd aut lon bifor
yort lechend ever did
yort kendol bornd aut lon bifor
yort lechend ever did
Pronunciación de la canción Candle in the Wind - Elton John
gudbay , nourma yintouch ai never niu yu ed olyu jed da greis tu jould yorselfwele dos arrand yu croulddeir crould aut of da gudwerkend deir wisperd inde yort
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