ai nou ai kent teik uan mor istap tuwords yu
cos ol dets wirin is regreid
dont yu nou am nat yort gust enimour
yu lost da lof ai lofd da moust
aff lirnd tu lif , jalf alaiv
end nau yu guant mi uan mor taim
ju du yu zink yu arr
rronin rraund lifven escars
colekchin yort yar of jarts
end terrin lof eipar
your gena ketch a could
from da ais insaid yort sol
sou dont kom bek for mi
ju du yu zink yu arr
ai jir your askin ol arrand
if ai em eniguer tu bi faun
bet ai jav groun tu estrong
tu ever fol bek in yort orms
aff lirnd tu lif , jalf alaiv
end nau yu guant mi uan mor taim
end ju du yu zink yu arr
rronin rraund lifven escars
colekchin yort yar of jarts
end terrin lof eipar
your gena ketch a could
from da ais insaid yort sol
sou dont kom bek for mi
ju du yu zink yu arr
dyir , et tok sou lon yast tu fil olrrai
rrimember jau tu pud bek da lait in mai aies
ai guich ai jed misd da ferst taim det wi kisd
cos yu brouki ol yort promises
end nau your bek
yu dont get tu get mi bek
end ju du yu zink yu arr
rronin rraund lifven escars
colekchin yort yar of jarts
end terrin lof eipar
your gena ketch a could
from da ais insaid yort sol
dont kom bek for mi
dont kom bek ed ol
end ju du yu zink yu arr
rronin rraund lifven escars
colekchin yort yar of jarts
end terrin lof eipar
your gena ketch a could
from da ais insaid yort sol
dont kom bek for mi
dont kom bek ed ol
ju du yu zink yu arr
ju du yu zink yu arr
ju du yu zink yu arr
Pronunciación de la canción Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
ai nou ai kent teik uan mor istap tuwords yucos ol dets wirin is regreiddont yu nou am nat yort gust enimouryu lost da lof ai lofd da moust

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