Pronunciación de la canción Cruel summer - Taylor Swift




yeh , yeh , yeh , yeh

fiver drim jai in di kuait of di nai
yu nou det ai cou it oh , yeh , your reig , ai guant it
bed , bed boe , chaini toy guit a prais
yu nou det ai bau it oh , yeh , your reig , ai guant it


kilin mi eslou , aut di windou
am olweis wirin for yu tu bi wirin bilou
devols roul di dais , enyels roul deir ais
guat dusent kel mi meiks mi guant yu mor

end its niu , di chipi of yort bari
its blu , di filin aff gat
end its ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
its kul , dets guat ai tel em
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bet ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
guit yu

jein yort jed loug in di glou of di vendin mechin
am nat dain oh , yeh , your reig , ai guant it
yu sei det guel yust eskru it ap in dis zrain zaims
wir nat zrain oh , yeh , your reig , ai guant it

sou cat di jedlaits , samers a naif
am olweis wirin for yu yust tu cat tu di bon
devols roul di dais , enyels roul deir ais
end if ai blid , yul bi di last tu nou

oh , its niu , di chipi of yort bari
its blu , di filin aff gat
end its ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
its kul , dets guat ai tel em
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bet ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
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am zronk in di bek of di car
end ai cruaid laik a beibe comin jom from di bar oh
seid am fine , bet it wasent zru
ai dont wana kip sicrets yust tu kip yu
end ai esnok in zru di garen geit
ebri nai det samer , yust tu siel mai feit oh
end ai eskrim for guat ever its wert
ai lof yu , ant det di werst zin yu ever jerd
ji loks ap , grinin laik a devol


end its niu , di chipi of yort bari
its blu , di filin aff gat
end its ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
its kul , dets guat ai tel em
nou ruls in breikabol jeven
bet ooh , woa oh
its a cruol samer
guit yu

am zronk in di bek of di car
end ai cruaid laik a beibe comin jom from di bar oh
seid am fine , bet it wasent zru
ai dont wana kip sicrets yust tu kip yu
end ai esnok in zru di garen geit
ebri nai det samer , yust tu siel mai feit oh
end ai eskrim for guat ever its wert
ai lof yu , ant det di werst zin yu ever jerd
yeh , yeh , yeh , yeh

Antes que nada, quiero agradecerte por visitar mi web y darme la oportunidad de enseñarte la pronunciación correcta de «Cruel Summer» de Taylor Swift. En esta canción, es esencial prestar atención a la entonación y acentuación de cada palabra para capturar la esencia de su emotiva letra. Te guiaré paso a paso a través de la pronunciación exacta, asegurándome de que puedas cantarla con confianza y autenticidad. ¡Juntos haremos que esta experiencia sea inolvidable!

Pronunciación de la canción Cruel summer - Taylor Swift

fiver drim jai in di kuait of di naiyu nou det ai cou it oh , yeh , your reig , ai guant itbed , bed boe , chaini toy guit a praisyu nou det ai bau it oh , yeh





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