Pronunciación de la canción Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran




ai tok da supermarkot flawers from da windousel
ai zru da dei old ti from da cap
pekd ap da fouru albom matiu jed meid
memorris of a laif dets bin lofd

tok da get guel sun cairds end estoft animols
poured da old yinyer bier daun da sink
dad olweis tol mi dont yu cray guen your daun
bet mam , ders a teir ebri taim det ai blink


uuh , am in pices , its terrin mi ap , bet ai nou
a jart dets brouki is a jart dets bin lofd Serviços de finanças

sou ol sying aleluya
yu wir en enyel in da chipi of mai mam
guen ai fel daun yud bi derz joldin mi ap
espred yort wins ez yu gou
end guen gad teiks yu bek jel sei aleluya , your jom

ai flofd da pailous , meid da beds , estakd da chers ap
folded yort naitgauns nitli in a keis
yon seis jid draif den pud jis jend on mai chik
end waipd a teir from da said of mai feis

ai joup det ai siy da guerl ez yu did , cos ai nou
a laif guit lof is a laif dets bin lifd

sou ol sying aleluya
yu wir en enyel in da chipi of mai mam
guen ai fel daun yud bi derz joldin mi ap
espred yort wins ez yu gou
end guen gad teiks yu bek jel sei aleluya , your jom

yu wir en enyel in da chipi of mai mam
yu gat tu siy da persan ai jav bicom
espred yort wins end ai nou
det guen gad tok yu bek ji seid aleluya , your jom

Pronunciación de la canción Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran

ai tok da supermarkot flawers from da windouselai zru da dei old ti from da cappekd ap da fouru albom matiu jed meidmemorris of a laif dets bin lofd





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