Pronunciación de la canción I Remember Everything




rrat got wiskis gena is mai maind
bich tauel rests on di draien lain
dou ai rremaind yu of yort deri in jis ochenta y ocho ford
lebredor jengin aut di pasenyer dor
di send from yort jer is blowen in mai ais
bleim et on di bich , groun men dont cray
dou yu rrimember det bit daun beichment cach
aid sying yu mai lof sons end yud tel mi ebout
jau yort mama rren of end pagned jer rreing
ai rrimember , ai rrimember ebrizing


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of a groun mens maut wen jis mainds brouk
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rrimember ebri moment on di nais guit yu Listas y rankings

your drenken ebrizing tu is yort maind
bet wen di jel ar yu gena is maini
your laik conkrit fid in di samer jit
et berns laik jel wen tu souls mit
nou , yul never bi di men det yu olweis esguor
bet ol rrimember yu sengen in det ochenta y ocho ford

a could cholder ed clousin zaim
yu wir begin mi tu estei zil di san rrous
estrench guerds kom on aut
of a groun mens maut wen jis mainds brouk
pikchurs end paisen zaim
yu onli esmail laik det wen your drenken
ai guich ai dirent , bet ai dou
rrimember ebri moment on di nais guit yu
could cholder ed clousin zaim
yu wir begin mi tu estei zil di san rrous
estrench guerds kom on aut
of a groun mens maut wen jis mainds brouk
pikchurs end paisen zaim
yu onli esmail laik det wen your drenken
ai guich ai dirent , bet ai dou
rrimember ebri moment on di nais guit yu

rrat got wiskis gena is mai maind
bich tauel rests on di draien lain
dou ai rremaind yu of yort deri in mai ochenta y ocho ford
lebredor jengin aut di pasenyer dor

Pronunciación de la canción I Remember Everything

rrat got wiskis gena is mai maindbich tauel rests on di draien laindou ai rremaind yu of yort deri in jis ochenta y ocho fordlebredor jengin aut di pasenyer do





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