guen da deys arr could
end da cairds ol fuld
end da seints wi siy
arr ol meid of gold
guen yort drims ol fil
end da uans wi jel
arr da werst of ol
end da blods rren estel
ai wana jaid da zrut
ai wana chelter yu
bet guit da bist insaid
ders nower wi ken jaid
nou merer guat wi brid
wi estil arr meid of grid
dis is mai kindom kom
dis is mai kindom kom
guen yu fil mai jit
luk inde mai aies
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
dont get tu clous
its dork insaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
ed da cortens col
is da lest of ol
guen da laits feid aut
ol da senirs croul
sou deir dok yort greiv
end da meskereid
wil kom colin aut
ed da mes yu meid
dont wana let yu daun
bet ai em jel baund
touch dis is ol for yu
dont wana jaid da zrut
nou merer guat wi brid
wi estil arr meid of grid
dis is mai kindom kom
dis is mai kindom kom
guen yu fil mai jit
luk inde mai aies
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
dont get tu clous
its dork insaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
deir sei its guat yu meik
ai sei its ap tu feit
its wovfen in mai sol
ai nid tu let yu gou
yort aies , deir chain sou braig
ai wana seiv det lait
ai kent eskeip dis nau
enles yu chou mi jau
guen yu fil mai jit
luk inde mai aies
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
dont get tu clous
its dork insaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
its guer mai dimens jaid
Gracias por contar con nosotros para la pronunciación de «Demons» de Imagine Dragons. ¡Esperamos que encuentres esta guía útil y que te diviertas cantando la canción tanto como nosotros al prepararla para ti!
Pronunciación de la canción Demons - Imagine Dragons
guen yort drims ol filend da uans wi jelarr da werst of olend da blods rren estel guen da deys arr couldend da cairds ol fuldend da seints wi siyarr ol meid of

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