aff never sin a daimend in da flech
ai cat mai zit on guerin rrins in da mufis
end am nat prad of mai edres
in da torn ap taun
nou post coud envi
bet ebri sons laik gold zit , grei gus
zretpin in da bazrum
blod esteins , bol gens
trachin da outel rum
wi dont ker
wir dravin carelaks in ar drims
bet ebribaris laik kristol , maybak
daimends on yort taimpis
yet pleins , aislends
zaiger on a gold lich
wi dont ker
wi arrint cou ap in yort lof afer
end guel never bi rroyels ( rroyels )
et dont rren in ar blod
det kaind of laks yast ant for os
wi creivf a differrent kaind of boz
let mi bi yort rruler ( rruler )
yu ken col mi kuin bi
end , beibe , ol rrul ( ol rrul , ol rrul )
let mi lif det fendesy
mai frends end ai , guif kratch da coud
wi kant ar dalars on da zrein tu da pari
end ebriguan ju nous os nous
det wir fain guit dis
wi dirent kom from maini
bet ebri sons laik gold zit , grei gus
zretpin in da bazrum
blod esteins , bol gens
trachin da outel rum
wi dont ker
wir dravin carelaks in ar drims
bet ebribaris laik kristol , maybak
daimends on yort taimpis
yet pleins , aislends
zaiger on a gold lich
wi dont ker
wi arrint cou ap in yort lof afer Juguetes educativos
end guel never bi rroyels ( rroyels )
et dont rren in ar blod
det kaind of laks yast ant for os
wi creivf a differrent kaind of boz
let mi bi yort rruler ( rruler )
yu ken col mi kuin bi
end , beibe , ol rrul ( ol rrul , ol rrul )
let mi lif det fendesy
uuh , uuh , uuh
wir biger den wi ever drimd
end am in lof guit byin kuin
uuh , uuh , uuh
laif is gruit wiraud a ker
wi arrint cou ap in yort lof afer
end guel never bi rroyels ( rroyels )
et dont rren in ar blod
det kaind of laks yast ant for os
wi creivf a differrent kaind of boz
let mi bi yort rruler ( rruler )
yu ken col mi kuin bi
end , beibe , ol rrul ( ol rrul , ol rrul )
let mi lif det fendesy
Esperamos que la guía de pronunciación para «Royals» de Lorde te haya sido muy útil. Si tienes otras canciones en mente, ya sean clásicos atemporales o éxitos recientes, no dudes en sugerírnoslas. ¡Estamos deseosos de explorar contigo la diversidad de la música y ayudarte en tu desarrollo vocal!
Pronunciación de la canción Royals - Lorde
aff never sin a daimend in da flechai cat mai zit on guerin rrins in da mufisend am nat prad of mai edresin da torn ap taunnou post coud envi

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