bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bess
bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess
yeh , its priry klir , ai ant nou sais tu
bet ai ken cheik et , cheik et
laik am supoused tu du
cos ai gat det bum bum det ol
da bois cheis
ol da rraig yanjk in ol da rraig plises
ai siy da magezin
workin det forouchap
wi nou det chit ant rrial
semon nau , meik et estap
if yu gat biury biury yast
rruis em ap
cos ebri inch of yu is perfect
from da botzom tu da tap
yeh , mai moma , chi tol mi
dont guorry ebout yort sais
chi seis bois laik a lirol mor buri
tu jould ed nai ( buri , buri , yeh , buri , buri )
yu nou ai guount bi nou estik feigur
selekon barbi doli
sou , if dets guats your inde
den gou ajed end muf eloun
bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bess
bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess
am bringin buri bek
gou ajed end tel dem
eskini betches , jey
nou , am yast plein ai nou yu
zink your fet
bet am jir tu tel yu
ebri inch of yu is perfect from
da botzom tu da tap Blog sobre salud
yeh , mai moma chi tol mi
dont guorry ebout yort sais
chi seis bois laik a lirol mor
buri tu jould ed nai ( buri , buri , yeh , buri , buri )
yu nou ai guount bi nou estik feigur
selekon barbi doli
sou , if dets guats your inde
den gou ajed end muf eloun
bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bess
bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess
bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bess
bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess
bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bess
bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbol
am ol bat det bess , bat det bess , bat det bess
( yieai , yieai , uuh )
( yu nou yu laik dis bess )
Aplaudimos tu esfuerzo por dominar la pronunciación de «All About That Bass» de Meghan Trainor. Si estás buscando mejorar tu pronunciación en más canciones, ya sean modernas o de décadas pasadas, nos encantaría ayudarte. Dinos cuáles te interesan y sigamos enriqueciendo tu habilidad vocal.
Pronunciación de la canción All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor
bicous yu nou am ol ebout det bessbat det bess , nou zretbolam ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbolam ol bat det bess , bat det bess , nou zretbolam ol

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