Pronunciación de la canción I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski




My baby, my baby
Youre my baby, say it to me
Baby, my baby
Tell your baby that Im your baby

I bet on losing dogs
I know theyre losing and I pay for my place by the ring
Where Ill be looking in their eyes when theyre down
Ill be there on their side
Im losing by their side


Will you let me, baby, lose on losing dogs?
I know theyre losing and I pay for my place by the ring
Where Ill be looking in their eyes when theyre down
I wanna feel it

I bet on losing dogs
I always want you when Im finally fine
How youd be over me looking in my eyes when I come
Someone to watch me die
Someone to watch me die

I bet on losing dogs
(Did you get that?)

En este artículo, nos adentraremos en la pronunciación detallada de la canción «I Bet on Losing Dogs» de Mitski, una artista célebre por su habilidad para capturar emociones profundas en sus composiciones. Te proporcionaremos la letra en inglés y te instruiremos sobre cómo pronunciar cada línea con exactitud, facilitándote la interpretación de esta conmovedora obra y permitiéndote conectar aún más con su mensaje.

Pronunciación de la canción I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski

I bet on losing dogsI know theyre losing and I pay for my place by the ringWhere Ill be looking in their eyes when theyre downIll be there on their sideIm losi





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