Pronunciación de la canción Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt




Dedai disapointyu or let yu daun?
Shedai bifíling gelti or let da yúdjes fraun?
Cozai saudaend bifor wiid begán
Yes ai sadyuwerblend and ai nú ai had won

So ai tuk wats main bai itérnal rait
Tuk yur soul aut intu da naít
It mei bi ouver bat it wont stóp ther
Ai am hir for yu if yud only ker

Yu tocht mai hart yu tocht mai soul
Yu cheinjd mai laif and ol mai goals
And lov is blaind and dat ai nú wen
Mai hart was blainded bai yu

Aiv kist yur lips and held yur hed
Share yur drimz and share yur bed
Ai nó yu wel, ai nó yur smel
Aiv bin adikted tu yu

Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin da wán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi


Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin dawán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi

Ai am a drímer, bat wen ai weik
Yu kant breik mai spirit its mai drimz yu tek
And as yu muv on, rimember mi
Rimember as and ol wii iustu bi Guias y Trucos tecnologicos

Aiv sin yu krai, aiv sin yu smail
Aiv wácht yu slípin for a wail
Aid bi da fáther of yur chaild
Aid spend a laiftaim with yu

Ai nó yur fírs and yu nó main
Wiiv had aur dauts bat nau wiiar fain
And ai lov yu, ai swear datz trú
Ai kannot liv without yu

Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin da wán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi

Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin da wán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi

And ai stil hóld yur hand in main
In main wen aim aslip
And ai wil ber mai soul in taim
Wen aim nílin at yur fit

Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin da wán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi

Gudbai mai lover
Gudbai mai frend
Yu hav bin da wán
Yu hav bin da wán for mi

Aim so jolou, beibi, aim so jolou
Aim so, aim so, aim so jolou
Aim so jolou, beibi, aim so jolou
Aim so, aim so, aim so jolou

Pronunciación de la canción Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt

Pronunciación de la canción Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt

Dedai disapointyu or let yu daun?Shedai bifíling gelti or let da yúdjes fraun?Cozai saudaend bifor wiid begánYes ai sadyuwerblend and ai nú ai had won





Pronunciación de la canción Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Pronunciación de la canción Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt

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